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Sharing Baltimore's Civil Rights Legacy...


Many of the rights that we all enjoy today as Americans, such as integrated schools, greater fairness in employment practices, housing, voting, and everyday activities—like catching a bus or going to the theatre— can be traced back to individuals in Baltimore. Dr. Lillie Carroll Jackson, Margaret Carey, Thurgood Marshall, Carl Murphy, Clarence Mitchell Jr. and Parren Mitchell. We want to share their legacy—Baltimore’s legacy.

The Curriculum

The Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum has designed a curriculum to highlight the long civil rights movement in Baltimore and beyond from the Civil War through the Modern Civil Rights Movement. Working closely with our project partners, Baltimore Heritage and the Maryland  Center for History and Culture (MCHC), we plan to introduce our curriculum to Baltimore City Public School middle and high school students. It is important for Baltimore youth to know that their city has a history to be proud of, and because of the will of Dr. Jackson, it is one they can inherit.


The LCJM Civil Rights Curriculum has been designed to be flexible and accessible in order to provide BCPS teachers with support during this unprecedented time of distance learning.

Also, aligning this project with Maryland Core Standards and the U.S. History Framework, the LCJM Civil Rights Curriculum has four units for teachers to choose from; Unit 1: Abolition and Emancipation (1831 – 1884),

Unit 2: Segregation and the 14th Amendment (1885 – 1929), Unit 3: The Great Depression and World War II (1930 – 1965) and Unit 4: After the Unrest (1966 – 1976).


How to Get Involved

We are looking for several 8th-12th grade social studies/U.S. history BCPS teachers to implement our curriculum in their classrooms and provide us with feedback. The LCJM Civil Rights Curriculum Project is funded through a grant awarded by the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS).


BCPS teachers who are interested in our paid training opportunity and would like to learn more, please fill out this google form and RSVP below for one of our informational sessions.


Follow LCJM on Instagram or Facebook for project updates.

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LCJM Civil Rights Curriculum

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1320 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Maryland 21217

©2018 by Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum

(An offsite unit of Morgan State University) 

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